8:00 AM08:00

2023 Tough Cup

Established in 2012, the Tough Cup pits the best crews in the Chicagoland area against one another to claim the title of toughest crew team on the river!  This rare boat-level view of the industrial part of the city is an eye opening experience for the rowers and a great opportunity to race in the state.

The question remains – are you tough enough?


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2022 - Chicago Sprints Regatta
to Jul 10

2022 - Chicago Sprints Regatta

  • Chicago Sprints Regatta (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chicago Rowing Union will be participating in the 42nd Annual Chicago Sprints Regatta, July 9th and 10th at the Lincoln Park Lagoon.

Since 1910, Lincoln Park Boat Club has hosted competitive rowing regattas at the Lincoln Park lagoon and for the last 40 years, those competitions have centered on the Chicago Sprints Regatta.

The Chicago Sprints is one of the largest competitive regattas in the region, drawing junior, collegiate and Master’s athletes from throughout the Midwest. The regatta regularly hosts more than 1,000 athletes, fielding entries from more than 25 clubs drawing from states across the country. It is attended by hundreds of spectators who line the 1000-meter course situated between Lake Shore Drive and the Lincoln Park Zoo. The Chicago Sprints features 1,000-meter, side-by-side, Henley-style racing.  

The CRU tent is usually placed toward the south end of the lagoons. Look for the CRU tent and banner. Friends, family, and non-racing members are highly encouraged to attend! Bring your own blankets and chairs.

Rowers meet on-site at 7:30 AM. Contact your regatta captains if you are lost or late: Fiona 630-561-3128 or Merri (773) 263-5029. You are required to be there for all of the events if you are racing and to help set up and break down. You must be at your normal practice time to de-rig boats and load the trailer; extra hands are always welcome. We will be rigging and unloading on Monday. Please arrive as early as you can, ideally by 6:00 PM.

Rowers should view this document to see further instructions regarding set up and break down for the regatta and indicate their food and drink contributions. For Regatta Preparation, please view this page.

Everything you need to know about the regatta, including directions and parking, can be found here.

Click for regatta results.

Chicago Sprints Viewing & Staging Locations

Chicago Sprints, 2018

Chicago Sprints, 2018

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2021 - Head of the Rock Regatta 2021
8:00 AM08:00

2021 - Head of the Rock Regatta 2021


1. Arrange your own transportation to the regatta. See the Carpool Spreadsheet to arrange rides.

2. Arrive at the race site at 8 AM. We will pitch our tent and tables near the river and boathouse, but you'll be able to find us by our CRU flags. Remember: it takes a long time to walk from the parking lot to the tents. If you’ve got a wagon do yourself a favor and bring it!

3. Parking: There is parking available just north of Y Blvd at the entrance to Nicholas Conservatory. If you are traveling south on N. 2nd St (U.S. 251). Watch for the “Regatta Parking” sign at the corner of Ethel and N. 2nd.

4. Loading and Unloading: We will load the truck and equipment on 10/9 right after practice, so please plan to attend that day to help get the boat onto the truck. Boat unloading takes place Monday at 6:45 PM and is mandatory for regatta participants. Check the Regatta Planning spreadsheet for checklist and assignments.

5. Please bring food for yourself and to share. We have water for backup but please bring your own bottles and backup supply to avoid wasting plastic. Fill out the Food Spreadsheet ahead of the race so we know who is bringing what.

6. Click here for CRU Line Ups and CRU Race Times. Race results will be here: M.RegattaMaster.

7. COVID Protocols: HOR recommends all rowers be vaccinated. In the event a vaccination is not an option, then rowers must have a negative COVID test 2 days prior to the event and wear a mask.

8. Come prepared for the weather! See below for a checklist and tips.

Contact Merri at 773-263-5029 or should questions arise.



Head of the Rock Traffic Pattern.png


  • Covid vaccination card or negative test results

  • Food for yourself (and others if a potluck is planned)

  • Comfortable walking shoes (be prepared for mud!) and either water shoes or shoes that are easy to slip on and off. You have less than a minute to get off and on the dock and the dockmaster will NOT patiently wait for you to untie/tie your shoes. You may want to bring another pair to wear in the car.

  • Towel in case you get wet and for the car ride home.

  • For longer races, it is recommended that you bring a water bottle in the boat. You need to be able to carry it on your own, so ideally use a strap or a small bag. Racing makes you thirsty.

  • Team uni or gray CRU shirt, uniform trou or black trou/tights to compete in.

  • Dress for the weather. Remember temperatures can vary as the day progresses. Think layers! Bring an extra outfit or two to change into after the regatta.

  • Rain jacket and an umbrella

  • Hand warmers or gloves

  • Chair or blanket to sit on

  • Binoculars

  • Something to pass the time (phones, earphones, speakers, books, cards, etc., backup phone charger)

  • Water bottle and your own back up water (let’s avoid using too much plastic!)

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray

  • Chapstick

  • Hand Sanitizer and Wipes

  • Warm clothes to wear while not racing

  • Hat/visor and/or bandana

  • Sunglasses/glasses/contacts and solution

  • Extra Socks

  • Dry bags for your things (especially your phone!) and bags to store wet clothing.

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6:45 AM06:45



Join Chicago Rowing Foundation and the Chicago Park District as we host our annual ROWtoberfest head race and fall festival. This USRowing sanctioned 4K head race from the Cortland Bridge to the WMS Boathouse at Clark Park is open to high school, collegiate and Master rowers. An exhibition middle school race will take place from the Addison Street bridge to the boathouse. Electronic timing is provided by Herenow for up-to-the-minute results. Medals will be awarded in each event for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. A viewing lounge and Biergarten will provide a live feed from the race course so you can see the race from different points on the Chicago River.

The WMS Boathouse at Clark Park Location

  • ROWtoberfest takes place on the north branch of the Chicago River

  • Racing will be held between Cortland St and Webster Ave to the WMS Boathouse. The formal address is 3400 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, IL 60618

Pre-regatta Preparation


  • RSVP for the event “ROWtoberfest” on TeamSnap (via All Members) so that you will receive the messages that are sent out during the live event. If you don't rsvp you won't get the updates and messages! (Even if you are not competing, but are coming to watch, rsvp so that you can stay in the loop.) When you rsvp, please be sure to select some items from the “Assignment” list for the team to use and consume during the regatta.

  • BE at your normal practice time to de-rig boats and load the trailer; extra hands are always welcome. We will be de-rigging and loading all week to make it manageable.

Day of Regatta Preparation

Be prepared for unpredictable weather - anything can happen! Check your favorite weather app before leaving home to make sure you are prepared and comfortable for any situation. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than sitting on the side of a river dressed all wrong! Bring an extra jacket, blanket, and hat even if you don’t think you’ll need it…someone else might. Pack an extra outfit to change into. While rare, it does happen that an athlete falls in the water. You’ll be thankful for dry undies on the ride home!

Allow plenty of time to get to the venue and to park, especially if it is your first time there. Coordinating with teammates to ride together is the best option so that there are fewer cars to park and so that no one has to go alone. The walk to the competition site is often long. Be prepared! Inevitably it will be dusty or muddy so wear appropriate shoes. Expect the unexpected!

What to Pack

  • Dress for the weather; consider the season; remember temperatures can vary as the day progresses; think layers!

  • Hot Hands – hand warmers

  • Chair or blanket to sit on

  • Umbrella and/or raincoat

  • Binoculars

  • Something to pass the time (phones, books, cards, etc., backup phone charger)

  • Water bottle

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug spray

  • Chapstick

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Cash or debit/credit card; there are usually food and regatta gear tents

  • Warm-ups to wear while not racing

  • Layers for racing

  • Hat/visor or bandana

  • Sunglasses/glasses/contacts and solution

  • Uni or gray CRU shirt and black trou to compete in

  • Slip-on shoes to wear while walking to the dock for your race; you have less than a minute to get off and on the dock; the dockmaster will not patiently wait for you to untie/tie your shoes

  • Socks (3-4 pair)

  • Bags for wet clothing

  • Changes of clothes in case you get soaked, as well as to go home in (packed in Ziplock bags to keep them dry if the ground/bag gets wet)

Parking for Spectators

  • Event parking is available at DeVry University Chicago parking lot, access off of Rockwell Street at 3300 North Rockwell or 3300 North Campbell.

  • Overflow parking is available at Lane Tech College Prep High School (2501 West Addison Street) with parking lot access south of Addison on Western Avenue.

For maps, line-ups, participant responsibilities, you MUST READ THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT

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Tough Cup Regatta
6:00 AM06:00

Tough Cup Regatta

Established in 2012, the Tough Cup pits the best crews in the Chicagoland area against one another to claim the title of toughest crew team on the river!

Racing in eights, coxed fours, and quads – this 5k head race takes participants from Kedzie Ave Bridge to Halsted Ave.

The rare boat-level view of the industrial part of the city is an eye-opening experience for the rowers and a great opportunity to race in-state.

The purpose of the Tough Cup is to bring the Chicago Rowing Community together and help support the further development of Chicago’s waterways for positive recreation and use.  Since 2009 Chicago Training Center has used the south branch of the Chicago River System to train its participants and this regatta allows us to highlight the daily training path we follow.

For all CRU participants, click here for important details.

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